

Scoliosis (also called curvature of the spine) is a lateral (sideways) curve to the normally straight vertebrae of the spine. In most cases, the spine is also rotated slightly in the same direction. There are several types of scoliosis: Congenital--caused by a bone abnormality at birth; Neuromuscular--seen in spinabifida and cerebral palsy; Degenerative--from a traumatic injury, surgery or osteoporosis; and the most common, Idiopathic--unknown cause, believed hereditary.

Scoliosis Treatment


What is scoliosis?
Scoliosis (also called curvature of the spine) is a lateral (sideways) curve to the normally straight vertebrae of the spine. In most cases, the spine is also rotated slightly in the same direction. There are several types of scoliosis: Congenital--caused by a bone abnormality at birth; Neuromuscular--seen in spinabifida and cerebral palsy; Degenerative--from a traumatic injury, surgery or osteoporosis; and the most common, Idiopathic--unknown cause, believed hereditary.

Who gets scoliosis?
Overall, girls are more likely to be affected than boys. Idiopathic scoliosis is most commonly a condition of adolescence, between 10 to 16 years old. The curve usually progresses during the "growth spurt" years but will not usually progress during adulthood.

How is scoliosis diagnosed?
Most scoliosis curves are found through a screening, either by a pediatrician or in school. Some clues that a child may have scoliosis are uneven shoulders, an uneven waist, one prominent shoulder or leaning to one side. The diagnosis and type of scoliosis are determined by careful examination, and x-rays are taken to evaluate the magnitude of the curve.

What are the treatments like?
Traditionally, the treatment for scoliosis has consisted of bracing and surgery. Bracing is recommended for adolescents who have a spinal curve between 25 and 40 degrees, although when the brace is removed, the curve often returns. Surgery is the next step, for those with curves greater than 40 to 50 degrees. Surgery involves fusion of the vertebrae through the use of metal implants.

Recent studies have shown that the scoliotic curve in young people can be controlled and in some cases even reversed through carefully guided therapeutic exercise.  CHPT uses an individualized approach, including manual therapies and exercises that have been helpful in slowing or reversing the scoliotic curve of our adolescent patients.

Manual therapies; Muscle Energy Technique (MET); Neuromuscular re-education; Rhythmic Rotation; Therapeutic Exercises; Core Stabilization; Craniosacral Therapy

Ultrasound and Low Lever Laser Therapy (to decrease pain or muscle tension)

Other Services:
Screening/rotation measurements taken at every treatment session; Managing Scoliosis Through Exercise group classes

Research Articles::


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Wellness 360 Physical
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